

TANAKA君に頂いたCDの「JOY/Black Gandhi」

" 愛、平和、喜び、自由、共生、非暴力、世界の恒久平和を歌うレゲエ界の新星Black Gandhiデビュー!あのインドの聖人ガンジーの哲学からインスピレーションを受け世界の恒久平和を歌い続けるレゲエ界の新星Black Gandhi(ブラック・ガンディ)。ボーカルのMelを元に各シーンで活動する同志が集まり、06年に6人編成のバンドを結成。"


"Other day"

"JOY/Black Gandhi"
Gave to me from TANAKA kun.

" Black Gandhi is a young promissing band from Barcelona formed by six artist who share the same philosophy and the same love for music.
It's message is about togetherness, love, peace and enjoyment. The members of the band work together as a family taking music into a high level of creativity, spirituality and joy. Each one of them already had a long history working in the professional music scene and shared the vision of creating a reggae group with a unique sound and a possitive message inspired by the philosophy of indian pacifist Mahatma Gandhi and black music traditions. "

It's comfortable in REGGAE which is FOLKEY.
I like it...